Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Day in My Life...

I have become enthralled with looking in the mirror...some day I will even know that it is ME!

I got tired of playing airplane with Mommy :-)

Mommy snuck in while I was taking a nap and I had my hood over my eyes! I didn't need to see anyways...I was sleeping!

I Love to play in my exersaucer everyday! I can barely touch my feet to the bottom, but I am really good at pushing the buttons and making noise!
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Oh wait..there is more!!

This site is a little wonky! I tried to write more for the last pics, ie: Cole and I watching the Inauguration together, but it wouldn't let me!

Ok, this one is fabulous! Note that Cole is holding his plastic chain and holding his head up! Now you understand the concentration face! Am I crazy for feeling really proud of him when I look at this picture?! I guess now I know that I am REALLY a parent!

Who likes to play airplane?...this pic is really a shout out to all of the toe heads in the house...yes Chris, that means you (isn't it so fun that he looks just like you!!) Honey, just a side note...every time I pull him out of the car seat, somebody that we know says..."OH, he is a mini Chris!"

Oh, Great Grandma hit the nail on the head!! I couldn't resist a picture when I put him in this sleeper! Can you believe that he fits it already! I keep telling him "Now stop growing so fast because I am not that great at blogging!...and if you do, then you have to pick the next title (it is the hardest part)!"
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Checking in

I love this picture! He was so excited that he was straightening out his legs and arms and grunting!

Cole had been improving with tummy time...but he still doesn't like it!

Cole and I are watching the Inauguration...We are excited for the potential changes!

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tummy Time or something like it

Cole has an aversion to tummy, as you can see, he gave up on this try! He picked his head up once and then laid there like this whining until I rescued him!
Mommy is very sneaky and I trick Cole into doing tummy time while playing airplane :-) He LOVES it! As I was feeling very happy with myself for finding a way around this 'ole tummy time issue, he spit up (down) all over me just to make sure I knew who was boss! He even laughed!
Happy boy!
Me and my kiddos :-) We miss you Daddy!
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Friday, January 16, 2009


Yes, you read the title correctly! I think my next job could possibly be selling ERGO's! We were given this generous gift for Christmas, and I can see my baby carrying days getting brighter! I was trying it out with Cole (who was not as excited the 5th time I put him in it) to see just how I would carry him home! No Worries! This thing is Fabulous!!! I wore him for an hour when he was fussy and he fell asleep right away! Wahoo!
Big Baby Blues!
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"This Bites"

Life is hard when teeth are coming through! Smoochy Pants was sitting here happily when his mean teeth started hurting...but I couldn't resist a picture of this super sad face :-(

Life is better now! He has found his hands recently and is very enthralled with them!

Yea! Smiley boy is back! I just LOVE him!!! Isn't he IRRESISTIBLE!
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

TV Junkie

Cole is really starting to notice Tess and seems interested in her. He watches her when she is walking around the room. Tess loves to lick his hair!? I think they are destined to be partners in crime!

You may notice that Cole is strapped in, in this picture...well that is because he has become a TV junkie and officially LOVES Baby Einstein. He kicks his legs and waves his arms so hard that he scoots all the way to the bottom of the chair!

I LOVE this picture! Doesn't he look like happy buddha?

Sitting in his bumbo like a big boy! He is just starting to grab things in front of him and hold onto them!
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Friday, January 9, 2009


Cole has been changing so much and surprises me daily with new sounds, facial expressions, blowing spit bubbles at me and increasing body control! He now sits in the bumbo at the table (actually on the table) with me while I eat my dinner :-)

I especially liked this picture of him because he looks like he is doing a jig! Already working on his moves :-)

And YES, what you are seeing is correct, it is a teether! He can't really even hold it yet, but I can see them starting to come in and he can feel them :-( Poor guy!
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Talkie Talkie

This one is fun!  I was just going to send it to Chris, but thought it was too cute to not post!  