Monday, October 13, 2008

Cole Bath Time

Just a few pictures from Cole's first bath experience. He actually liked it more than we expected...!




Ryan and Renee said...

Oh my gosh! He is the cutest little thing I have ever seen!

Jan Wee said...

Geez... it is just not fair to be stuck here at home!! This is the best experience all day! :-)

Dori said...

SO Cute!!

Cale & Katie said...

LOVE the pics...what a cutie he is...hope you guys are doing well...Katie

Segal Party of 4 said...

Just heard about your blog from Dori...yeah more pics of Cole! He is adorable. I can't wait to meet him in person. Hope all is going well.

Rebecca said...

It's so good to see pictures of Coletrane and Mom & Dad. He is adoreable and it's the next best thing to being there. When do you think we all will get to meet him in person??? Have you warned him about his G Uncles??
It's also great to see all of your travels. Someday I would love to show you the countries(9)that Kimberlie saw. I have finished scrapbooking all the pictures she took.
Football is winding down this week for my guys. David's freshman season went way fast.
Markus & Mackenzie were home for the weekend. Love their company.
Will catch up with you later.
Love, Dennis, Becky, & David

Carrie said...

How awesome are his little skinny legs!?! And just think, they're even more kissable when they start to chub up!